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    Wagner’s Nyjer Seed

    Manufacturer : Whole Life Pet Products
    Model Number : 620505

    Nyjer Seed (Thistle Seed) is the absolute favorite of Finches, such as the American Goldfinch, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin and other small songbirds. This tiny delicacy is used in Finch Feeders which have smaller holes and tiny perches – perfect for the Finches but discouraging to larger birds!

    Wagner’s Nyjer Seed is the ultimate choice for nurturing Finches with its high fat and protein content. Nyjer Seed is the only major wild bird food ingredient imported from overseas. Sometimes referred to as “Black Gold,” Nyjer Seed may seem more expensive than some premium blends. It actually lasts longer as it packs an incredible 150,000 seeds per pound and the seeds create no waste, no mess, no growth and produce more visits to your feeder. 10 lbs.

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